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Garden care

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Garden décor

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Planting Under trees

Every garden has its challenges, but planting under a well established tree is often the most baffling for gardeners. No consistent sun, compacted soil, a jigsaw of root systems competing for moisture and nutrients and it's often in a back, neglected corner of the yard.

Don't give up, it's all about building on what you've got and the right plants in the right place!

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Top five tips for spring gardening

The Bureau of Meteorology may be forecasting a wetter than average spring and summer, but Redcliffe Garden Centre’s Sondra Grainger says if you prepare your garden for the ‘wet season’ as you would every year, there’s no reason why it can’t thrive. “You prepare your garden for the same conditions, every year. Every year, we’re going to get rain in spring and summer, we’re also going to get heat and wind. So, no matter what the conditions bring you still prepare for the same,” she says. |“You need to fertilise, prune, tidy and mulch. By doing all those things, you’re going to...

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Narrow side gardens

It's an access area, wheelie bin residence, dog run, dump zone or quite often, a laundry laneway and a headache for many homeowners - it's the narrow side yard!

We look at some simple ideas to add green life to these often neglected spaces and turn the useless into useful!

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Desk buddies

With little effort you can brighten your mood and breathe easier with the addition of a leafy desk friend.

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Planting a bee attracting garden

When was the last time you noticed a bee buzzing around some flowers? Maybe you find them charming or annoying – either way, bees are incredibly important. Not only do they pollinate plants in our gardens & parks, they are essential to food and flower production. As they say 'no bees, no me'. 

Read on to discover the bees local to us and how you can encourage them into your garden.

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